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As often happens, we start almost as a game, as a bet, with ourselves and with this splendid land of Tuscany. Day after day, we become passionate and the game becomes more and more serious, until it becomes a commitment, a challenge. Only then does one fully understand how much sacrifice and dedication cultivating the vine requires but also the satisfaction it can give. This is how our company was born which makes quality an absolute and indispensable point, very small in size but large in the search for a result that is at the top of the three wine labels produced.

Brunello, Rosso di Montalcino and Orcia rosso are obtained from pure Sangiovese vines, grown with passion in the territory of the municipality of Montalcino.

All possible precautions are adopted in the company and become an indispensable discipline starting from the care of the plant up to the finished product ready for tasting, for the pleasure but above all for the duty to offer its customers a wine on which they can safely rely in every occasion.

The commitment to enhance what nature, year after year, always creates in the same way but always in a different way means that our wines contain the nuances that the diversity of the climate and seasons generate, rejecting any process of standardization both in cultivation and winemaking and thus offering connoisseurs a product that is always of great interest.