
Our vineyards occupy an area of ​​just over three hectares and are located at an altitude that varies from 240 to 270 m above sea level. for the red Orcia “Abelardo” and from 260 to 310 m.s.l.m. for both the Brunello and the Rosso, oriented from east to west in order to receive maximum solar radiation.

In the last century, the planting area was used as a quarry and the layers of topsoil that were gradually removed to extract the clay were brought back onto it; All the geological types present in the area have thus been concentrated in a small space, which atmospheric events and time have partly contributed to amalgamating, creating a unique and unrepeatable microclimate.

A careful selection of rootstocks (420 A, 1103 Paulsen, SO4), a planting spacing of 2.80 x 0.80 for a density of over 4450 vines per hectare have allowed the optimal development of the Sangiovese Grosso vine, known as "Brunello". in Montalcino.

The training method is characteristic of the area, the spurred cordon which at the end of winter is pruned to two buds, called "eyes". In the summer, bunches are thinned to reach maximum ripeness and keep yields below what is foreseen by the production specifications.

All cultivation operations on the plant are carried out manually by specialized labor and largely by the owner family. No chemical fertilizers are used but "green manure" is used, a technique which involves enriching the soil with a natural method which consists of sowing legume plants (bean beans) in the inter-rows which are re-interred with superficial tillage at the time of flowering .


Con l’avvicinarsi della completa maturazione viene misurato di frequente il grado zuccherino dell’uva e quando questo si stabilizza a livelli massimi si da inizio alla vendemmia. Questa viene fatta a mano, scegliendo i grappoli uno per uno, trasportandoli in cassette alla vicina cantina appena colti.

Qui l’uva viene immediatamente separata dal raspo e, senza rovinarne la buccia, schiacciata e messa in tini d’acciaio della capacità massima di 50 hl.

Dopo l’aggiunta di lievito selezionato inizia la trasformazione che porterà al nuovo vino, durante la fermentazione vengono effettuati due rimontaggi completi al giorno fino a che gli zuccheri non sono esauriti, la temperatura del mosto viene tenuta sotto osservazione ma non influenzata per permettere al prodotto di differenziarsi a seconda delle annate.

La svinatura avviene manualmente e con una pressa a membrana di tipo soffice, stando attenti a non superare la pressione di 0,5 atm, si ricava il vino “fiore”.

Quanto prodotto successivamente a pressioni superiori viene eliminato. Le vinacce vengono ritornano in vigna, lungo i filari, restituendo al terreno una materia organica ricca di nutrimento.


After racking, the wine is left to rest for about three weeks in stainless steel vats until the first racking which is used to separate the lees (semi-solid residues that had remained in suspension), until slow fermentation, called "malolactic", thanks to which the acidity decreases making the wine more rounded and balanced.

After slow fermentation, the new wine passes into wooden containers: 30 hl oval barrels of national production, 500 liter tonneaux and 225 and 300 liter French barriques, and the rest period varies depending on the wine, ranging from a minimum of two years for Brunello and Orcia up to at least six months for Rosso.

Once the necessary time has passed and it is established that the product is ready, it is assembled from the various woods into stainless steel containers where tartaric stabilization and possible filtration are carried out before bottling in Bordeaux bottles. The storage of wine bottles for the necessary refinement in glass takes place in an air-conditioned room in our cellar until marketing.